Monday, February 21, 2022

Mayfield mitts

 I have finished knitting cute bird mitts. I couldn't do kit well. but I like it so much. I used my hand dyed yarn with acorn. The colors are light beige and black.


 design by Erica M Heusser 

The other day, I found the footprints of a wild rabbit in the garden. The wild rabbits here do not have nests. They are always on the move. So it's pleasure to meet. 

Rabbit's footprints on the right


We break firewood when we have a little time. Even 8 tons of firewood was not enough. It was our first winter with a wood stove, so we didn't know how many firewood we needed. Fortunately delivery of wood comes here just like food delivery, which is a convenient world. I am happy to knitting in a warm room at night.  

Anyway, we will plant more trees this spring than we had planned.  

Please take care for yourself continuation, Coronavirus is still going on. 
There aren't many people where I live ,lots of nature. I'm more careful about "bird flu. Our chickens haven't free walk outside for the last few months...
