Thursday, December 28, 2017

Little knitting

There were some knitted items in 2017. 今年編んだ小さなアイテムです

It's favorite to knit a hand bag.

This was a request from my mother in law, she was very delighted.
This is my original pattern. I would like to share patterns about bags I have plenty of design ideas but I don't know when it will be.....I am really not good at "written pattern making"


Simple sweater 

Memories about this sweater that I was flu. the fever went down, but only my cough was getting worse.

After 3 weeks I cured perfectly, also my sweater finished knitting :)

I forgot the name of the yarn maker, it was Belgian wool.
I'm wearing it now. I wash several times, and i wear it many times. I searched for the same yarn at the store where I bought this yarn but could not find it. It is pity that I lost tags on the yarn.


The socks knitted only 2 pairs. and little embroidery.

Pattern of Embroidery "Z from A" has just begun. but one year is about to pass. "B does not end yet .


Triangle shawl.

It designed a shawl based from a small diagram of vintage text. It is an image like a wave.
This wool combination is Japanese maker "Hamanaka Mohair" and "Highland wool of Isager" . I like them very very much. I will make the same again.


Crocheted a blanket 
The photo blanket is on its ways, but it has already been completed.
A good point of crochet is maybe rhythmical.
For example, you only have a small triangular pattern, It is so simple that you learn quickly, and you don't need to read any more of pattern, and it becomes a big blanket with many triangle :)


My little helper watched warmly me this year as well.

I wish you a Happy New year !!  皆さま良いお年を~!

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Hello friends !
I knit a mitten in previous winter, but I forgot to put here.

This image is leaf and small fruit that I adore. but it is somewhat difficult to look....

The color work of mittens can be knitted with their own ideas, it is very amusing.

I put a French knot stitch for a fruit. This is a very simple embroidery stitch.

Let's spread out your ideas too !


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Leaf cardigan

It was February 2017 that I started to knit a cardigan. and It was September when I finished knitting... !! 

At first, knit from top to bottom easily, 


and knit a lace pattern for a front.


We moved to new old house there on the way. ( Half asked the merchant, half renovated ourselves. ) Anyways at that time, I had really little time to knit. 

but Even if you don't have time, you will complete, when you continue..

I knitted them separately and sewed them.

There will also be a way to knit not to knit separately.

and done !

I only write small notes as usual. I don't share a pattern. but there are many similar patterns most beautiful than me, so you will find your favorite cardigan.


This beautiful yarn is Nurturing fibres  super Twist sock yarn.
It is warm, soft and bright yarn. Ideal for knitting socks, but if you adopt a fine lace pattern it will be a special outing knit.

For Asian or Australian ladies, find your shop on Intambo
For European ladies , find your shop on Scaapi
For Japanese, A shop is here  Happy hour 

オンラインストアはこちらです Happy hour  取引があるので気になるお色は直接お問い合わせ下さい。東京ビックサイトに出店されていた時に少しお話した事がありますが、明るくて気さくな方です。
メーカーさんの毛糸見本はこちら nurturingfibres sock-super-twist/

I'm making crochet flower motif with this yarn now. Me and my friend we are taking some time. I hope that we can have a pretty shawl soon. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pompom hat

Hello !
I knitted a pompom hat with 2 colors. 

When we mix 2 or 3 or more colors, it is easy to becomes tight.
There are several methods , but I think , we need practice that over and over again. 

This easy sketch seems to be small flowers or scale of fish.

You would be able to use it for mitten , hat, and sweater with your idea !
And It is also good for practice of color work.



Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hat and socks with handspun yarn

Happy 2017 !!!
Wish you a happy and great year . I hope ALL your wishes come true !


These days I feel really fascinating to spinning wool , It's really warm for the yarn spun by hand. Those include air and fiber is spun tightly and fluffy. and Dust doesn't fall.
I'd like to do knitting only by handspun yarn this year.
But it takes time ...

This fiber has been bought, when my husband made a business trip to Denver.

The color he chose wasn't my taste, but finished yarn is my favorite color.  It is magic !!
There was only 100 grams, so I knitted socks.

If a machine enters a process, influence is same for the color.
But the natural course is also beautiful too.


The yarn I spun last month is this. Silk and merino wool were mixed.

I knitted a hat.

I am planning to make free pattern whit 2 design this year.
One is a shawl with flower motif of crochet. Another are slippers :)

紡ぐと時間がかかるのですが、冷たい北風がびゅんびゅん吹いている時に初めて、暖かさが違う ことに気が付きます。やはり手で紡ぐことによって空気を中心に含んでいるのと、繊維がしっかりよりあっているからでしょうか。