Thursday, December 17, 2020

One winter day

 Winter has finally come here as well. I'm glad that the temperature is below freezing ! 



There is a rat's ( wild rat ?) nest at the base of this tree. They bring a lot of acorns to the nest in the autumn. Just image there is a cozy and warm room with leaves. This mouse is very small and cute. I'm hiding them because they don't do bad thing. 

They only eat acorns, but they are often killed by farmers. It seems difficult for many people to classify mice. 

最近やってなかった絵も少しずつ始めました。夏の間あんなに雑草と向き合っていたのに、なぜだろう、絵を描こうとすると 草ってどうだったっけ?なんて思う。

I started a oil painting again. The title is summer goats. 


Cauliflower planted at the end of the summer..


 they became "Gratin" and finished eating. Thank you Instagram friend, I keep using your recipe. 


with handmade dress.

I'm knitting a cardigan and a hat right now. but it will take some time.

Thank you for reading the blog. I hope you have a wonderful holiday , Merry Christmas !


Monday, November 23, 2020

Warm autumn 暖かい秋 2020

Has winter come to your place ? Here is in frost season but summer flower are still in bloom in the garden. This kind of warmth makes me feel uncomfortable. If you live in a snowy country, it may not be easy to understand ?

Green pepper

 It has definitely risen 5 degrees in 40 years. Tropical creatures are certainly moving north on their own. Not all beautiful butterflies, There are a lot of mosquitoes.  Apple need the cold of winter. Children 200 years later may not be able to eat apples.


He name is "Kojiro" , and turned one year old.

He knows what's in my pocket. 

One goat diet last year and I cried. It was because of the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes do not disappear even if measures are taken.. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

新芽のミトン Leaf mittens with Pattern

I designed and knit a mittens, The leaves are growing .


I made a chart of the mittens, but this chart is not very kind.  Either way, if you've knitted mittens, I think you will knit it without problem. 

It would be cute to use this leaf for a sweater, or cardigan etc. and I hope you can adjust the size with no problem.


In the chart, Cast on 60 sts.  The size is about S . Around the wrist 21 cm. I used yarn for socks.
2x2 rib(  k1, k1, p1, p1 ) with 1.5mm needle . Colorwork with 2mm needle. 


 編み棒がお手持ちであるといいのですが、2目ゴム編みのところを 1.5mm 模様のところは 2mmで編んでいます。日本棒針の3号だと、ミトンのサイズが数センチ大きくなると思います。

The back side is too simple.  


The red line is the thumb, 10 rem each on the right hand and left hand. pick up 22 sts and knit 6cm . 



Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Make a Harrold

 It is the first time that I make a doll. Its face by sticking a fleece into the felt fabric with a needle. I thought it was difficult, but no. It was easier than knitting a sweater.



I used a fishing line for him whiskers. It may look more realistic ? because my cat is scared to him.

This is the original Harrold that design by Jan Horrox. I wanted to make the exact same doll.

下の写真はお手本のハロルドです。デザインとパターンは Jan Horrox さん。全く同じ物を作りたかったのですが

But, My Harrold is a completely different atmosphere. The neck is thick and the shirt does not close. 



I was thinking of giving the doll to someone, children in the neighborhood or friends. But he is delicate. Hand-sewn limbs will easily come off. It's hard for moms to fix it in a busy day.
So, he decided to live in our home.


Sit him in a chair. 
I feel like he is saying  " Give me some tea ! 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Small sunflower

Seeds fell from the wild bird feeder and flowers bloomed. 

時に 自然の中では可愛いことが起きるものですね。。


Sometimes lovely thing happen in nature :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Summer pullover

 It's a sign of autumn, How did you spend the summer with the Corona-virus regulation ?  

I was as usual. Water the garden, feed the wild birds, goats, chickens, we went for walk in the evening every day.and I have already ordered ( It gets lost ) flower seeding for next summer.

秋めいてきましたが、コロナ渦の夏はどうされていましたか? 私はいつも通り、庭に水をやり、野鳥に餌をやり、もう来年の夏の花の苗を悩みつつ注文し、かぎ針編みの続きをし、夕暮れになって主人と散歩に出るという感じで、大したこともなく過ごしました。

 Finally I finished knitting a summer sweater. It took 3 months. My sister's birthday has already passed. I hope that she like it.



 It was difficult, the color is dark and the thread is thin. 

I made many mistakes and returned to the starting point, It was mortifying. 


By memorizing the pattern, it became easier to knit in my way.

後ろ見頃 Back body

裾 Hem


 It's a pity that not beautiful picture. My garden is cluttered. I wanted to take photo through the light. Because the back and front races are a perfect match. It is a very smart pattern. It would be nice to have full size and English pattern.


パターンは、毛糸だま 2020年夏号 Vol.185
 Knitting magazine Keitodama 2020 Summer Vol.185

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Vegetable Harvest

Every year planted carrot seeds, but I couldn't make a decent carrot. at last Good carrots were harvested for the first time this year !


It's wonderful ,but I don't know what was good for carrot... Soil and fertilizer are the same as usual. 


Last month I spun orange and white yarn. it became a cushion cover for kitty.  

The first planted potato was successfully harvested. I did according to the textbook. 
I dug potato by hand so as not to damage potato. I felt like I understood in a moment the dog's heart while digging the soil. Certainly Fun !
The first potatoes were very delicious. 


Flower of Okra. It look like a Hibiscus and beautiful. 

Cucumber and okra are also good harvest . 

One of the way. Okra boiled a little, wrapped with meat, Eat with your favorite seasoning. Okra is soft and delicious vegetable. 

Tomato, eggplant, peppers, and Malabar spinach (?)
Good to have a kitchen garden. 


We have a lot of patience the summer because of the COVID-19 . I'm sure it will be fun next summer :) 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Strange creature


I grew up in the city so I was fascinated by the creatures in the garden I saw for the first time. 
Look photos
This is a pot made of soil. The job is very delicate and perfect shape. I like to come out this pot in the garden. 



Bee larvae and food in the pot. I don't know this kind of bee name on English. it's not suck honey and stab people. Quiet bee, Eat insects. 


The small dot on the right is the bee pot. Very small.
 ( It's a hand washing area in the backyard.)


It rained a lot every day in July. And I saw much of yellow mushroom on dead tree. 


Clear yellow looks beautiful. Height 1 cm. It also lives in South America and Europe ? 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Little flower sweater

I knitted a sweater with flowers arranged vertically in the center.

使用したのはポルトガルのRosa Pomar から出している「Brusca」ウール100%の、ちょっと素朴さのある毛糸です

I used Portugal yarn " Brusca " by Rosa pomar.  100% wool 



 I chose a part from collection of vintage text. 
There is no direct pattern as always.
If you like making pattern from scratch, give it a try from a chart .
 ( Sorry for clumsy handwriting )

Cross R = Cross stitch to the right 
Cross L = Cross stitch to the left 


There was an agreeable to knitting in the May garden.


My kitty is fine, she is 5 years old now. No problem at the medical checkup at the animal hospital. Only she has periodontal disease.


I worry and I want to do something about her gums, but she doesn't seem to be in particular trouble..


さぁ 次の予定を進めましょう!
Thank you for reading !