Monday, June 3, 2024

Medicine for Mosquito bites


In Japan, in addiction to the common mosquito, there are also bugs called "Abu and "Buyo, whose bites are terribly itchy. If you get bitten by a large number of them, you can't sleep.. 

However, I learned good methods, If you are staying long in Japan, let's use it. 

This plant " Dokudami" grows all over Japan, and is hated :(  It loves the rain and prefers to grow densely in places with many mosquitoes. ( I saw them also in an alleyway near a hotel in Tokyo) The white flowers bloom around this season, so pick as many as you can, and

soak them in white liquor. It will be ready to use in a month. apply it to the skin bitten. 

The liquid will discolor when exposed to air, but that's not a problem, also It can be used for years.

The first summer after moving to the countryside, I went to the pharmacy. However, no matter how many times I applied ointment, it was still tooo itchy. 

This liquid medicine is an old method, but it works after just one application. ( If you are stung by a bee, leaving soaked cotton on the skin for an extended period of time )

More and more international travelers are coming. The countryside is beautiful and fragrant. I hope your trip is wonderful :)

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