Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dye water blue 水色に染める

 Indigo dyeing is famous. and this plant "Kusagi" is the second plant that can be dyed blue in nature. Color is jade rather than blue.

Gathering the seeds wasn't easy... 

Spent 3 hours alone in the small corner of the backyard. There were 130g of seeds for 100g of wool.

This dye does not mordanting, but seeds should be fresh. 

Bring to a boil with seeds and water, Add wool and simmer for 15 minutes, Cool, Rinse, and Dry in the shade.  I read that the color gets darker with each repetition.  This color is only dyed once. 

I think if there were three times as many seeds, the color would have been darker.


Old book of 794 ~1191s have records of dyeing with this seeds, but the details are unknown. 

I read that the sepals of the flower can also be dyed. I tried it, but wool didn't absorb the color. There was certainly reddish- purple broth. so mordant may be necessary. 


It's easier to find this tree's flower sepals and seeds are brightly colored in the fall and into countryside. still, the area where the tree grows is usually someone else's property and has snakes or wasps. When the season comes you might can buy it online shop. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Pixie hat  小人の帽子

 I finished a hat.

The yarn I used was a gift from my friend. She and I have been in touch for 8 years now, but due to circumstances in her country, we can no longer email each other.

She sent me enough yarn to knit a sweater. However I fancy knitting various small knits, cause I might be able to feel her everywhere by using them. and I just hope she is safe and never in danger.

This hat name is " Fuzzy pixie hood" Pattern by Fabel knitwear. It is covers ears without crush the bangs, and pretty convenient. 

 お友達がくれた毛糸で帽子を編みました。セーターを編めるくらいの量を送ってくれたのですが、小さい物をいくつか編んで使うことにしました。彼女とは8年もやり取りしていたのですが、お国の事情でとうとう連絡が取れなくなってしまいました。いつもいる人の安否が急にわからなくなるのは不安で仕方がないです。もらった毛糸から彼女を感じるのがまた悲しいのですが、無事を祈りながら大事に使おうと思います。パターン名は 「Fuzzy pixie hood」 Fabel knitwear 前髪がぺちゃんこにならず耳が隠れるので暖かくて便利です。

2023. 11. April 
Now we are contacting each other. How happy. I hope the world becomes peaceful. 
